Some of the biggest blessings often come from our darkest hours and that is how PaperCity Photography was born.
My name is Felix, founder of PaperCity Photography and this is our story.
In 2020, while in the throes of unprecedented shut-downs and transitioning a congregation of believers to an ‘online-only’ style of church- I found myself at the intersections of depression, burn-out, which led to a lack of motivation.
It was at that time that I picked up a camera with the intention of shifting my focus for the sake of my mental health. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was passionate about photography.
Between self-education and apprenticing under the wing of one of the area’s most prominent wedding photographers (Ryan Williams)- I was able to launch PaperCity Photography in 2021.
In 2022, as fate may have it, paths between Karla and myself crossed. She quickly jumped on board and took on several key responsibilities such as streamlining the customer service from beginning to end, managing the business on social media, and increasing our customer experience further by using her history in the modeling industry to take our work to the next level. Her attention to detail is second to none and PaperCity Photography would not be what it is today if it were not for Karla and the excellency that she brings to the table.
We’ve built our business on the pillars of Excellence, Professionalism, and Honesty, which can be experienced from our first interaction through the delivery of your final product.
Our studio is located in the Indian Orchard Mills in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Contact Us
(413) 539 - 8464
34 Front Street, #250
Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, 01151
By appointment only